Protective fence

Mobi-fence™ eco-degradable

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What is Mobi-fence™ eco-degradable?

Mobi-fence ™ eco-degradable is produced using bio sourced monofilaments and designed to decompose entirely 100within an industrial compost setting.
This innovation provides a sustainable fencing option, ideal for environmentally conscious applications.

Mobi fence™ is guaranteed free of toxic additives . It decomposes gradually in nature without harming the environment.

Made from bio-based materials, Mobi-fence™ naturally degrades into CO2, water, and biomass, leaving no harmful residue in the environment.


your Mobi-fence™ manually, without the need of any specific tool.


thanks to the integrated pockets include in the fabric

which allow to slide stakes.


Access and infrastructure protection, dune reinforcement and biodiversity conservation.

2 features   

Protection against erosion - control of sand, dirt and snow.

Dune restoration & preservation and conservation of the costal biodiversity


100% biodegradable within an industrial compost


  • High 1m | 3.25 ft 
  • Lenght 30,4m | 100ft
  • Weight 20kg | 44lb 


  • Pockets diameter 15cm | 6"
  • Space between pockets 1m | 3.25ft

Stakes are not included with Mobi-fence™ eco-degradable 

What are the advantages of Mobi-fence™ eco-degradable ?


Mobi-fence™ eco-degradable protects sensitive environments and reduce erosion.

On coastlines, it promotes dune stabilization by retaining sand, contributing to the preservation and reconstruction of these essential ecosystems.


The multi-layer fabric is crafted with high-resistance polyester yarn, delivering exceptional strength against tra​ction 
(4 tons per meter), perforation

and abrasion.

The Mobi-fence™ is resistant with a thick fabric and reinforced edges, ensuring high performances even

in challenging environments 

Installation and Maintenance

A Mobi-fence™ is easy and quick to install. Its lightweight and flexible material, along with integrated pockets for sliding stakes, streamline the setup .
Simply drive the stakes into place, making it a straightforward solution for temporary or permanent fencing needs.

Mobi-fence™ does not require any special maintenance and fits perfectly and easily into any type of landscape.

Origine France Garantie

Notre barrière, Mobi-fence™ éco-dégradable est certifié Origine France Garantie par un organisme certificateur indépendant. « Origine France garantie est l’unique certification qui atteste l’origine française d’un produit » (

Ce certificat rend sa véritable valeur au savoir-faire français et assure une véritable transparence à la différence des formules auto-proclamées comme "made in France", "fabrication française" ou encore "entreprise française".

DESCHAMPS, inventeur des tapis Mobi-mat® et de leurs accessoires, est une PME familiale installée en Charente depuis 1860. C'est là que sont produits les tapis Mobi-mat® et les barrières de protection Mobi-fence™. Le savoir-faire unique de nos équipes permet de garantir une fabrication locale et d’éviter tout importation de composants depuis des pays à bas coûts. DESCHAMPS est également certifiée ISO 9001 et ISO 14001, garantissant le meilleur niveau de qualité et de prise en compte environnementale.


Endless Applications


The fabric structure of Mobi-fence™ eco-degradable is designed to create a grippy surface that retains sand grains. 

This characteristic, combined with its eco-degradable composition, makes it an ideal solution for protecting coastal infrastructure from silting and dust. 

This innovative solution enables to guarantee the sustainability of equipment and infrastructure while preserving the beauty of natural landscapes.


Coastal dunes, acting as natural shields against erosion and climate change, are being weakened by the forces of nature and certain human activities.

By reducing sand movement, Mobi-fence™ eco-degradable promotes sediment accumulation and thus strengthens the dune structure.

The barrier creates a microclimate conducive to the development of dune plants, essential for sand fixation and biodiversity. 


Our eco-degradable barrier offers effective protection against coastal erosion.

By stabilizing dunes and creating habitats conducive to biodiversity, Mobi-fence™ eco-degradable contributes to the restoration of dune ecosystems.

Faced with growing threats linked to climate change, such strong tides and winds,  
Mobi-fence™ protects against strong tides, stabilized the base of the dune, and prevents sand from being washed or blown away. By controlling erosion, the Mobi-fence™ encourages the growth of local flora and fauna, contributing to the restoration and preservation of coastal ecosystems.

                       Read our complete article on our blog 

Documentation produit

  • Fiche produit Mobi-fence™ éco-degradable  


Product sheet

  • Product sheet Mobi-fence™ eco-degradable  

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